For the People, Not the Power

I will legislate to advance wage and industry growth, to support our public schools and to ensure dignified healthcare is a right. Our current path has put us at the bottom of ALL these metrics. It is time for change!


Ensuring that safety is a priority for our community in body and mind.


Performing with truth and honesty as guideposts.


Leaving a legacy of progress our district can celebrate.


Creating a space for EVERYONE in our community with empathy.


Stephanie Bassham

Stephanie Bassham’s journey is marked by a rich tapestry of personal experiences that resonate with many. Growing up in Man, WV, as a real coal miner’s daughter, she witnessed the struggles of rural communities firsthand. Her parents’ strong working-class roots instilled in her a desire to fight in support of fair wages. Educated in small public schools, she values community-based learning and the empathy it fosters. A breast cancer survivor, she advocates for universal healthcare access. Having experienced the challenges of long-term care with her parents, she is deeply committed to addressing the real costs of aging in America.


My Pledge to House District 30

Support for Public Education

I will support all aspects of public education, ensuring our schools are fully funded and supported. No vouchers.

Fair Wages

I will work to ensure investments in the people of HD 30, tying economic prosperity to our local workforce.

Healthcare Access

I will work to expand Medicaid and secure dignified healthcare for all, ensuring body autonomy for women.

Long-term Care Solutions

I will address the challenges of caregiving and the real costs of aging, providing support for families.


Support the Campaign

Your donations are crucial in helping us drive change and make a real impact in House District 30. Every contribution, big or small, helps us fight for better wages, improved public education, and expanded healthcare access. Together, we can ensure our community’s needs are met and voices are heard. Your support will enable us to continue advocating for integrity, safety, stewardship, and inclusivity. Join us in this fight and make a difference in our district’s future.




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MEET The Team

Stephanie Bassham

Candidate, Texas House of Representatives District 30

Aim Hicks

Campaign Manager

Bella Zeplin

Campaign Aide